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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program

The Australian Government is investing $707 million to deliver a new Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program (RJED) in the second half of 2024 that provides people in remote communities with real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions.

The RJED program is being developed in partnership with First Nations people and will initially fund 3,000 jobs over three years.

It will support remote communities to determine local projects and job priorities to increase economic opportunities in their areas. We have also put together a list of the types of jobs that communities might want and need.

A Community Jobs and Business Fund will be an important element of the RJED program and responds to what communities have overwhelmingly asked for. As part of this fund, community-controlled organisations and local government can identify projects the community needs and apply for funding of capital and equipment.

There will also be a focus on young people to improve their employment opportunities once they’ve finished school.

As not everyone will be ready to go into a job or may require other support services, a remote employment service will still be needed.

Community Development Program (CDP) services will continue through an extension of most CDP provider agreements until 30 June 2025.

You can read Prime Minister Albanese/Minister Burney’s joint announcement about the RJED program.

You can read a factsheet about the RJED program, and this timeline shows the transition to RJED and how we are working with First Nations people to design the program.

Consultation opportunities

Consultations are now underway on the design and delivery of a new jobs program and how it should work. This includes face-to-face and virtual consultations in remote communities, a discussion paper and an online survey. 

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Job trials

The current three job trials underway – the New Jobs Program Trial, CDP Trials and Ngaanyatjarra Lands Trial – are helping us test what works and what doesn’t work so we can create the best possible program for the future. 

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