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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

5-year National Skills Agreement with States and Territories

Action description: 

The Australian Government has committed to work with States and Territories to develop a new 5-year National Skills Agreement (NSA) to support a VET sector that assists Australians to obtain the skills they need to participate and prosper in the economy. The NSA will be guided by a vision and principles agreed by Skills Ministers and endorsed by National Cabinet. A key priority is to ensure that priority groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, have access to the education, training and support needed to obtain well-paid secure jobs.

Outcome 06
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Cert III and above VET commencements and attrition and completion rates
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Skills and Training
To Be Confirmed
Delivery timeframe: 
To Be Confirmed
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations