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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Better Renal Services for First Nations Peoples

Action description: 

Establishment of up to 30 dialysis units to help First Nations people in regional and remote locations with end stage kidney disease. Projects will include upgrades to existing dialysis units, small scale water infrastructure and the build of new dialysis units. The measure will improve the health of First Nations peoples with end-stage kidney disease who must undergo dialysis treatment, often in locations far from their communities.

Priority reform: 
Priority Reform One
Outcome 01
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
All-cause mortality, Leading causes of death, Potential avoidable mortality rates
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Health and Aged Care
$73.2 million (Includes $28.2 million for workforce accommodation announced in the 2023-24 Budget)
Delivery timeframe: 
Expected completion by June 2026
Department of Health and Aged Care