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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability continue to be a priority cohort

Action description: 

Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability continue to be a priority cohort within the community under the current Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program Investment Strategy 2018-24 and in the development of a new ILC strategy.

Cross Cutting Outcome Area Disability
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Cross Cutting Areas do not have indicators
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Social Services
Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Funding is not specifically allocated for activities that target Indigenous Australians with disability; rather, Indigenous Australians are regarded as a priority cohort in the current ILC investment strategy which aims to create more inclusive services, communities and workplaces. Currently active grants include 36 (with total funding of $34.9 million) that include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability as a priority cohort. These projects range from 1 to 4 years in length. Total funding for such projects could vary in future rounds, depending on the particular ILC round and focus of the applications received.
Delivery timeframe: 
Ongoing (Planning has commenced on a process to renew the ILC strategic documents that provide policy guidance and investment principles for ILC, including the grants program. This work is subject to ministerial agreement. Central to development of the new ILC strategy will be the views of people with disability and other stakeholders, including organisations that represent them. It is planned to gather these views and perspectives through a broad consultation process from mid-2022, based on the 'nothing about us without us' principle. In line with Australia's Disability Strategy (ADS), Indigenous Australians will continue to be among priority cohorts for the delivery of the ILC. Work is also underway to develop a performance measurement framework for ILC grants. This will support an outcomes focus for future ILC grants, including delivery of grants targeting priority cohorts such as Indigenous Australians with disability).
Department of Social Services