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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Establish justice reinvestment initiatives (AGD)

Action description: 

Establish justice reinvestment initiatives across the country with a focus on turning the tide on incarceration and deaths in custody. A National Justice Reinvestment program will be established, to support up to 30 place-based community-led justice reinvestment initiatives and an independent National Justice Reinvestment Unit to coordinate and support justice reinvestment initiatives at a national level. In 2023, in partnership with First Nations communities and relevant justice reinvestment experts, the Commonwealth will design the justice reinvestment program and support establishment of an independent National Justice Reinvestment Unit.

Priority reform: 
Priority Reform One
Outcome 10
Outcome 11
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Entry rate to incarceration – newly sentenced to prison, Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people charged by police, Proportion of prisoners previously incarcerated and number of unique episodes of incarceration (Outcome10), Proportion of young alleged offenders (10 to 17 years) involved in police proceedings including charges and summons and cautions and diversions, Proportion of young people first coming into youth justice system aged 10 to 13 (offending and courts data and first entry to detention) (Outcome11)
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Indigenous Australians
$91.5 million
Delivery timeframe: 
Attorney-General's Department
National Indigenous Australians Agency