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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

headspace (Youth mental health)

Action description: 

As part of the 2021-22 Budget, funding was provided to improve access to culturally safe mental health and wellbeing services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people through the headspace network.
- $8.7 million over four years (approximately $2.1 million per annum ongoing), will be provided to the Western NSW Primary Health Network (PHN) for culturally safe headspace outreach services;
- $5.6 million over four years (approximately $1.5m per annum ongoing), to the Northern Territory PHN for culturally safe headspace outreach services in Yulara and Mutitjulu, and establishment of a satellite headspace service in Palmerston;
- $2.1 million from 2024-25 to 25-26 ( approximately $1.0 million per annum ongoing), is being provided to Country Western Australia PHN for the headspace Pilbara project.

As part of the March 2022-23 Budget, $1.3 million over four years from 2022-23 is being provided to the Country SA PHN to continue the Flying headspace program, providing culturally safe outreach to 6 very remote communities in SA

Priority reform: 
Priority Reform Three
Outcome 07
Outcome 14
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting experiencing psychological distress.
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Health and Aged Care
$17.7 million
Delivery timeframe: 
Department of Health and Aged Care