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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicing in Services Australia

Action description: 

Work continues to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicing. Feedback from various Service Zones has been collated for analysis to help determine appropriate enhancements to our digital products and services. As an example, a successful collaboration between Language Services, Indigenous and Remote Services Branch and the Service Zone in Northern Australia resulted in new tools to help customers learn about myGov.

While digital has become a primary form of engagement with customers, Services Australia continues to support Australians who require assistance through other channels. We will ensure the needs of Indigenous peoples are met through the provision of tailored services which have been designed in collaboration with Indigenous customers and communities. Any future strategies and initiatives, will also be co-designed with forums such as the National Indigenous Coalition. This will ensure the approach and outcomes are inclusive of the needs of First Nations people and consider accessibility (i.e. to devices, Wi-Fi, language barriers, etc.) that impact Indigenous and vulnerable customer cohorts.

Outcome 17
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using internet to access government services for private purposes (e.g. health services, taxation, bill payments, social security payments)
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Government Services
Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Costs are to be absorbed within existing resources
Delivery timeframe: 
Services Australia