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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Mission Based Compacts for Universities

Action description: 

The Mission-based Compacts provide an opportunity for the Commonwealth to focus universities' attention on the Closing the Gap targets, as part of broader equity measures identified in Compacts, and articulate how they will contribute to its achievement. Compacts set out how each provider’s mission aligns with the Commonwealth’s goals for higher education, innovation, teaching and learning, research and research training, and equity. Equity measures include targeted support strategies for Indigenous students. Once agreed, Compacts are published on the Department of Education's website. The department regularly engages with universities to discuss progress against equity measures listed in Compacts, providing a level of accountability.

Priority reform: 
Priority Reform One
Outcome 06
Outcome 08
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Highest level of educational attainment, Higher education commencement (university component) attrition and completion rates (time series and cohort analyses - 4 and 6 and 9 years)
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Education
Costs are to be absorbed within existing resources
Delivery timeframe: 
Department of Education
National Indigenous Australians Agency