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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

NDIS Market Interventions

Action description: 

Work is underway to develop and deliver market activities focused on improving outcomes for NDIS participants, including First Nations participants. Building on the work of NDIA’s Thin Market Trials, DSS is collaborating with the NDIA, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) and other Commonwealth agencies, state and territory jurisdictions, and First Nations representatives, to strengthen care and support markets in remote and First Nations communities. DoHAC-led Integrated Care and Commissioning (ICC) trials aim to address persistent care and support supply gaps in regional, rural and remote locations across Australia. The Commonwealth government is working with government stakeholders, First Nations representatives, and communities, to enable communities in the current sites identify what better access to care looks like for them and what activities they need to get there.

Priority reform: 
Priority Reform One
Outcome 08
Cross Cutting Outcome Area Disability
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Cross Cutting Areas do not have indicators
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
$27.0 million
Delivery timeframe: 
To be confirmed
Department of Health and Aged Care