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Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Safe and Supported: Action 2 (Investing in the Community Controlled Sector) - Development of a National Child and Family Investment Strategy 

Action description: 

The Investment Strategy will involve the Commonwealth and state and territory governments agreeing to a clear set of national principles and actions to reconsider funding priorities for the child and family service system, with a focus on: a) shifting from crisis-driven responses towards preventative and early supports to reduce child abuse and neglect, and b) building the capacity and capability of the ACCOs sector to prepare for the transition of proportionate child and family service delivery functions. 

The national principles will be practically demonstrated and assessed in select locations through the Innovation Fund. $10 million over 5 years (2022-23 to 2026-27) was committed for the Investment Strategy including the Innovation Fund.

Priority reform: 
Priority Reform Two
Outcome 12
Outcome 13
Is this Indigenous specific?: 
Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care
Responsible Ministers: 
Minister for Social Services
$8.6 million
Department of Social Services