National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy has been released. It was developed by the National Indigenous Australians Agency in partnership with SNAICC – National Voice for Our Children, with the guidance of an Advisory Group.
The Strategy provides a unique opportunity for stronger collaboration and coordination across government and non-government organisations to improve early childhood outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
It recognises that the first five years of a child’s life are critical for long-term health and wellbeing, and responds to the children, families and service providers who provided feedback in the national consultation process.
It sets the vision that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are born healthy and remain strong, nurtured by strong families and thrive in their early years.
The Strategy places children at the centre of policy design. It aims to positively impact all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s lives - to empower families and communities to bring children up strong and healthy in their cultures.
It also identifies five key goals and builds on existing Australian Government investments across multiple portfolios, and the commitments made under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
The Intermediary Services Support Pilot is an example of the ground-breaking work the Australian Government is committed to supporting. This $9.1 million investment will increase the capacity of the community controlled sector to deliver high quality, responsive and culturally safe early learning services.
Connection to culture has been embedded throughout the Strategy as this is essential for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to thrive – to feel safe, loved, proud in their identity and able to fulfil their potential.
This strategy presents a unique and critical opportunity for government and non-government organisations to work together in genuine partnership to change the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families are supported in their early years.
To read the Strategy and find out more, visit the NIAA website: