NIAA Corporate Plan 2022-23

The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) Corporate Plan 2022-23 is now available.
Releasing the Corporate Plan yesterday, NIAA CEO Jody Broun said, "this is an exciting time to be a part of the NIAA as we look to implement the Government’s ambitious agenda."
“The Corporate Plan shows how our work will result in the greatest benefit for First Nations peoples. Our updated Vision and Purpose outlines what we’re striving for and how we’ll get there. They reflect who we are now and our journey forward."
The Corporate Plan is our primary planning document, setting out our strategic direction. It details how the NIAA will deliver on the Government’s commitments and how we will measure our performance over the next four years.
The NIAA will continue to lead the design, implementation and delivery of policies and programs, that:
- continue to embed initiatives and Priority Reforms to Close the Gap
- implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart
- address incarceration rates of First Nations adults and youth
- strengthen First Nations peoples economic and job opportunities
- deliver the Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme
- assist First Nations peoples to care for and connect with Country, and
- continue to champion reconciliation throughout Australia.