Stories from Country 2022

Stories from Country 2022 is a celebration of the work of Indigenous ranger teams in caring for Country and Culture across Australia through the Indigenous Rangers Program and the Indigenous Protected Areas Program. These programs provide meaningful recognition of First Nations peoples’ traditional knowledge and management of Country.
Stories from Country 2022 contains a huge range of inspiring and important stories from all around the nation, detailing ranger groups building their capacity to manage Country, expanding fee-for-service contracts, utilising external partnerships to increase employment opportunities, working with youth and embracing new technologies – stories about keeping Culture, Country, communities and economies strong.
The Indigenous Rangers Program and the Indigenous Protected Areas Program have gone from strength to strength in recent years, creating meaningful and culturally appropriate employment and career pathways for First Nations people and delivering ecological and cultural outcomes.
As of 1 July 2022, there are more than 200 Indigenous Ranger and Indigenous Protected Area projects. Over 2,700 full-time, part-time and casual jobs have been created, with women representing over a third of this employment.
Stories from Country 2022 is now available on the NIAA website.