Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act

The Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012 (Cth) ceased on 17 July 2022, consistent with its legislative provisions.
The Australian Government supports Aboriginal peoples in the Northern Territory to determine their futures and live strong, independent lives, where communities, families and children are safe and healthy.
The Australian Government recognises the Northern Territory Government is well placed to administer its jurisdictional responsibilities.
The approach to the sunsetting of the Stronger Futures Act is also consistent with the Australian Government’s commitment to self-determination.
Part 2 of the Stronger Futures Act modified the Northern Territory’s Liquor Act 2019 and granted the Minister for Indigenous Australians powers in relation to alcohol laws in the Northern Territory.
Part 3 of the Stronger Futures Act enabled the Australian Government power to modify particular laws of the Northern Territory in relation to the use of land in Town Camps and Community Living Areas.
Part 4 of the Stronger Futures Act included measures relating to food security. It established a stores licensing scheme to support the viability of remote stores and increase individual store capacity to provide sufficient, quality food and grocery items for residents of remote communities.
Part 10 of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1994 (Cth) which prohibited certain materials is part of the Stronger Futures legislative package. This also ceased on 17 July 2022, consistent with its legislative provisions.
The Australian Government, through the National Indigenous Australians Agency, is working with the Northern Territory Government to transition elements of the Stronger Futures Act.