Dedicated in 2013, the beautiful Bardi Jawi Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is located 160 kilometres north of Broome. Surrounded by sea on three sides, it covers 126,990 hectares of land and sea country. Its Traditional Owners are saltwater people from six coastal clan groups who are based in three communities:
- Djarindjin
- Lombadina
- Ardyaloon (One Arm Point).
The Bardi Jawi name comes from two language dialects, Bardi from the mainland and Jawi from Iwany (Sunday Island).
The Bardi Jawi Rangers use catch surveys to monitor threatened species. These include four species of marine turtle and dugong. They have built a baseline data set for seagrass meadows in the Bardi Jawi region by applying the 'Seagrass Watch' method.
The rangers patrol the Kooljaman land and coast to help reduce threats posed to cultural assets by visitors and tourists. They also undertake weed management and fire mitigation activities within remnant monsoonal vine thickets.
State: WA - Kimberley region
Administration Organisation
Kimberley Land Council