Dedicated in 2015, the Matuwa Kurrara Kurrara Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is on Martu land. The IPA spans an area of 596,642 hectares of exclusive possession Native Title land.
Matuwa and Kurrara Kurrara are located in the Murchison and Gascoyne bioregions on the southern edge of the Little Sandy Desert. Matuwa and Kurrara Kurrara are made up of yapu yapu (rocky country), rirrau (stony country), tali and parada (sand dune country) and jul jul (mulga forest). It is good country for camping, and the water supports rich animal and plant life.
Martu people are the traditional owners and custodians of Matuwa and Kurrara Kurrara. Martu sacred water sites — the junu (waterhole), karo (creeks), pilkililli (claypans) are precious. Jukurrpa (Dreaming) sites and Jukurrpa tjina (Dreaming tracks) connect Matuwa and Kurrara Kurrara to the desert country across Western Australia, the Northern Territory and South Australia and to many other desert IPAs.
State: WA - Central and Southern region
Administration Organisation
Central Desert Native Title Services Limited