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Closing the Gap

National Agreement on Closing the Gap

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) was developed in genuine partnership between Australian Governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations (represented by the Coalition of Peaks).

The National Agreement sets out new Closing the Gap Priority Reforms and ambitious targets that are changing the way governments work to improve life outcomes experienced by Indigenous Australians.

The Government is committed to working in partnership with Indigenous Australians, recognising that the only way to close the gap is when Indigenous Australians own, commit to and drive the outcomes sought, alongside all governments.

The National Agreement provides for shared accountability and the ability to demonstrate progress more than before.

For the first time, the Commonwealth, states and territories, local government and the Coalition of Peaks are jointly accountable for the outcomes and targets under the National Agreement.

The Joint Council on Closing the Gap has an ongoing role in monitoring progress by all Parties in delivering on the commitments in the National Agreement.

Implementing the National Agreement

The National Agreement commits all Parties to action. Its success depends on all Parties committing the right resources and efforts to deliver on these actions in practice.

All Parties to the National Agreement have developed individual Implementation Plans and report annually on their progress on the actions in their plans.

Implementation Plans set out how policies and programs are aligned to the National Agreement and what actions will be taken to achieve the Priority Reforms and socio-economic outcomes. They also include information on funding and timeframes for actions.

Commonwealth Closing the Gap 2023 Annual Report and 2024 Implementation Plan

The Prime Minister delivered the Commonwealth Closing the Gap 2023 Annual Report and 2024 Implementation Plan on 13 February 2024.

The 2023 Annual Report assesses the Commonwealth’s delivery against actions outlined in the 2023 Implementation Plan, while the 2024 Implementation Plan is forward looking, outlining the Commonwealth’s strategic priorities for Closing the Gap over the next year.

2023 Closing the Gap Commonwealth Partnership Stocktake

Priority Reform One of the National Agreement commits governments to building and strengthening structures that empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to share decision-making authority with governments to accelerate policy and place-based partnerships to progress against Closing the Gap. The National Agreement identifies strong partnerships as the key mechanism for achieving Priority Reform One.

2023 Sector Strengthening Plan Action Updates

Parties to the National Agreement have committed to joint national strengthening effort through Sector Strengthening Plans which identify actions to build strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled sectors and organisations in line with the strong sector elements. Sector Strengthening Plans have been developed for the Health, Early Childhood Care and Development, Disability and Housing sectors.

The 2023 Sector Strengthening Plan Action Updates have been written by Commonwealth agencies, in partnership, and reflect the views of the Coalition of Peaks members and community-controlled organisations.

Related Websites

For more information about the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, Priority Reforms and Targets or for general information visit

For more information on the Productivity Commission, including its three-yearly Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, and the Closing the Gap data dashboard, visit

Read more about accountability and monitoring.

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