The Commonwealth vision is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are enrolling, progressing and completing their higher education studies at the same rate or better than other Australians. This vision is consistent with the Commonwealth’s continuing commitment to the goals of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy.
NIAA helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to undertake university studies through two programs:
- The Indigenous Student Success Program funds universities to offer scholarships, tutorial assistance and other support, often provided through Indigenous Higher Education Units . You should contact universities to see what support the Indigenous Student Success Program can offer.
- The Away From Base Mixed-Mode Program supports Indigenous students who are studying a course by distance education. Supported costs may include travel, meals and accommodation to assist students to undertake compulsory blocks of study or assessment in another location away from their permanent home for short periods of time.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people seeking assistance to undertake university studies should also contact the Department on Human Services on the Indigenous Australians help desk 1800 136 380 or explore entitlements under the ABSTUDY scheme.
Universities provide data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education students through the Department of Education and Training.