The Worimi Green Team are a not-for-profit Aboriginal community-based organisation in Williamtown NSW. This team is committed to:
- the regeneration and rehabilitation of natural environments
- urban-based environmental education.
The rangers recognise the need to balance development, Aboriginal cultural values and the conservation and management of biodiversity. To do this, they participate in many regional and local land management projects, including dune stabilisation, bush regeneration and rehabilitation of wetlands.
The team is a combination of:
- specialist employees
- natural resource mangement operators
- field trainees
- partners such as botanists and horticulturalists.
This diverse expertise makes them well-versed in a range of specialist landscape and natural resource management services.
Activities that the Worimi Green Team undertake include:
- bushland, wetland, sand dune and riparian site regeneration
- erosion and sediment control
- local provenance seed collection and propogation
- supply of locally sourced plant stock.
State: NSW
Administration Organisation
Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council