The following terms are abbreviations and acronyms representing groups or topics currently in use within the Agency.
A | |
AABCG | Aboriginal Affairs Bilateral Coordination Group |
ABA | Aboriginals Benefit Account |
ABAAC | Aboriginals Benefit Account Advisory Committee |
ABN | Australian Business Number |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AC | Aboriginal Corporation |
ACCO’s | Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations |
ACNC | Australian Charities and Not For Profit Taskforce |
ACROSS | Australian Council of Social Services |
AEDC | Australian Early Development Census |
AFB | Away from Base Program |
AFP | Australian Federal Police |
AG | Australian Government |
AGIS | Australian Government Information Scheme |
AHRC | Australian Human Rights Commission |
AIHW | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |
AIWA | Aboriginal Interpreters Western Australia |
ALRA | Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 |
ANAO | Australian National Audit Office |
AOD | Alcohol and Other Drugs |
APCC | Australian Procurement & Construction Council |
APN | Australian Private Networks |
APONT | Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory |
APY | Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara |
ARTC | Australian Rail Track Corporation |
ATSICH | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health |
ATSIMHSPAG | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advisory Group |
ATSIMHSPPRG | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Programs Reference Group |
ATSISPEP | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project |
AUG | August |
B | |
BEP | Business Economic Policy |
C | |
C&P | Consultations and Partnerships |
CAEPR | Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research |
CAPPI | Canada Australia Public Policy Initiative |
CATSI | Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) |
CAWG | Cross Agency Working Group |
CCCFR | Community Child Care Fund Restricted |
CDC | Centre for Disease Control |
CDP | Community Development Program |
CDPP | Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions |
CEDD | Community and Economic Develoment Division |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CHOA | Commonwealth Heads of Agency |
CIIS | Commonwealth Indigenous Investment Strategy |
CLC | Central Land Council |
COAG | Council of Australian Government |
COVID | Coronavirus |
CPL | Co-design, Policy and Legislations |
CRA | Constitutional Risk Assessment |
CRIIP | Commonwealth Rights and Interest Indigenous Project |
CtG | Closing the Gap |
CWDA | Child Wellbeing Data Asset |
D | |
DAFF | Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
DCN | Data Champions Network |
DFAT | Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
DIRD | Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development |
DISR | Department of Industry Science and Resources |
DOHAC | Department of Health and Aged Care |
DSDG | Deputy Secretaries Data Group |
DSOM | Deputy Senior Officials Meeting |
DSS | Department of Social Services |
DWG | Development Working Group |
E | |
EB | Executive Board |
EC | Empowered Communities |
ECCD | Early Childhood Care and Development |
EEAI | Education Engagement and Attainment Initiatives |
EEDG | Employment and Economic Development Group |
EEG | Economic Empowerment Group |
EH | Environmental Health |
EMRIP | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
EPI | Employment Parity Iniative |
ESAT | Employment Services Assessment Tool |
ESI | Eastern Sydney and Illawarra |
ESS | Employment Services System |
F | |
FA | Funding Agreement |
FAS | First Assistant Secretary |
FASD | Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder |
FCA | Federal Court of Australia |
FFA | Federation Funding Agreement |
FOFMS | FaCS (Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs) Online Funding Management System (Australia). |
FY | Financial Year |
G | |
G | Goldfields |
GAP | Grant Assessment Process |
GARP | Grant Applicant Risk Profile |
GID | Governance of Indigenous Data |
GM | Group Manager |
GNQ | Gulf and North Queensland Region |
GWS | Greater Western Sydney |
H | |
HCC | Hunter Central Coast |
HLC | Housing Land and Culture Division |
HoR | House of Representatives |
HoRSCEET | House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training |
HORSCIA | House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs |
HPF | Health Performance Framework |
I | |
IA | Indigenous Australians |
IAG | Indigenous Affairs Group |
IAS | Indigenous Advancement Strategy |
IB | Indigenous Business |
IBA | Indigenous Business Australia |
IBAG | Indigenous Business Advisory Group |
IBD | Indigenous Business Direct |
IBSS | Indigenous Business Sector Strategy |
ICTSD | ICT Strategy and Delivery |
IDC | Interdepartmental Committee |
IEB | Information and Evaluation Branch |
IECM | Indigenous Education Consultative Meeting |
IEF | Indigenous Entrepreneurs Fund |
IEP | Indigenous Employment Program |
IES | Indigenous Employment Support |
IHP | Intersectional Health Policy |
IHRT | International Human Rights Treaty |
ILO | International Labour Organisation |
ILSC | Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation |
IMR | Improving Multidisciplinary Responses |
IPE | Indigenous Employment Program |
IPP | Indigenous Procurement Policy |
IPPRS | Indigenous Procurement Policy Reporting Solution |
IPS | Information Publication Scheme |
IPS | Investigations and Prosecutions Section |
IRG | Interdepartmental Reference Group |
ISEP | Indigenous Skills and Employment Program |
ISSP | Indigenous Student Success Program |
IT | Information Technology |
J | |
JDM | Joint Decision Making |
JSC | Joint Standing Committee |
JV | Joint Ventures |
K | |
KIM | Kimberley |
KNX | Kununurra |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
KRCI | Kullarri Regional Communities Indigenous Corporation |
L | |
LIB | Live Issues Brief |
LIF | Local Investment Fund |
M | |
MDBA | Murray Darling Basin Authority |
MMR | Mandatory Minimum [Indigenous Participation] Requirements |
MO | Minister’s Office |
MR | Media Release |
MRR | Master Resell Rights |
MW | Mid-West |
MYEFO | Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook |
N | |
NAAJA | North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency |
NAATI | National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters |
NAIDOC | National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee |
NATSIHS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey |
NATSIJDSC | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Data Steering Committee |
NATSINPAS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey |
NCNE | North Coast New England |
NESA | National Employment Services Association |
NFP | Non-for-profit |
NG | Ngaanyatjarra |
NHMRC | National Health and Medical Research Council |
NHRA | National Health Reform Agreement |
NIAA | National Indigenous Australians Agency |
NITAG | National Indigenous Tourism Advisory Group |
NLC | Northern Land Council |
NNTC | National Native Title Council |
NPA | National Partnership Agreement |
NPARIH | National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing |
NPRH | National Partnership on Remote Housing |
NRES | New Remote Employment Service |
NSRA | National School Reform Agreement |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
NTBGA | Northern Territory Block Grant Authority |
NTG | Northern Territory Government |
NTMM | Native Title Minister's Meeting |
NTPA | Native Title Policy and Agreements |
NTRAI | Northern Territory Remote Remote Aboriginal Investment |
NTRB | Native Title Representative Body |
NTRB-SP | Native Title Representiative Body – Service Providers |
NTSP | Northern Territory Strategy and Policy |
O | |
Oct | October |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OID | Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage |
ORIC | Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations |
ORP | Organisation Risk Profile |
OTL | Office of Township Leasing |
P | |
P | Perth |
PB | Portfolio Budget |
PBC | Prescribed Body Corporate |
PBM | Provider Business Meeting |
PC | Productivity Commission |
PCCE | Prescribed Corporate Commonwealth Entities |
PCG | Project Control Group |
PCP | Procurement-Connected Policy |
PDC | Policy and Delivery Committee |
PDC | Program Designs and Communications |
PDC | Program and Delivery Committee |
PM | Prime Minister |
PM&C | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |
PMP | Project Management Plan |
PPA | Program Policy and Analysis |
PPA | Partner Performance Assessment |
PPCB | Place Program and Coordination Branch |
PPR | Provide Performance Review |
PPT | Provider Performance Team |
PQoNs | Parliamentary Questions on Notice |
Q | |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QLD | Queensland |
QoN | Question on Notice |
QTB | Question Time Brief |
R | |
RAP | Reconciliation Action Plan |
RAWG | Remote Australia Working Group |
RCT | Randomised Control Trial |
REP | Remote Employment program |
RHD | Rheumatic Heart Disease |
RIPP | Remote Indigenous Procurement Policy |
RJCP | Remote Jobs and Community Program |
RJED | Remote Jobs amd Economic Development Program |
RM | Regional Manager |
RMDF | Regional Manager Discretionary Fund |
RNTBC | Registered Native Title Body Corporate |
RSAS | Remote Schools Attendance Strategy |
S | |
SA | South Australia |
SBT | School Based Traineeship |
SCoSIP | Secretaries’ Committee on Social and Indigenous Policy |
SE | South East |
SE | Senate Estimates |
SES | Senior Executive Service |
SEWB | Social and Emotional Wellbeing |
SFNT | Solicitor For Northern Territory |
SIP | Social and Indigenous Policy |
SISB | Strategic Implementation and Standardisation Branch |
SITP | Strategic Indigenous Tourism Projects |
SLC | Senior Leadership Committee |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprise |
SMG | Senior Management Group |
SMM | Senior Managers Meeting |
SP | Service Provider |
SPG | Social Policy Group |
SPPG | Social Policy and Programs Group |
SSE | South South East |
SSP | Sector Strengthening Plan |
SWM | South West Metro |
T | |
TAEG | Tailored Assistance Employment Grants |
Tas | Tasmania |
TED | Targeting Entrenched Disadvantage |
TMBA TWB | Toowoomba |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
TP | Telephone |
U |
V | |
VIC | Victoria |
VSM | Volatile Substance Misuse |
VTEC | Vocational Training and Employment Centre |
VTOC | Victorian Traditional Owners Corporations |
W | |
WA | Western Australia |
WDSU | Workforce Development Support Unit |
WIPCE | World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education |
X |
Y |
Z |