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Agency FOI Disclosure Logs

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) publishes documents released under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) in our disclosure logs.


Information published in disclosure logs

We are not required to publish information if:

  • it would involve the unreasonable publication of:
  • it is not reasonably practicable to do so.

Any deletions (redactions) over the documents have been made in accordance with the exemptions available under the FOI Act.

Documents are available to download in PDF format. If you are unable to access this format, please contact us at and we will try to provide the document in an alternate format (for example, in Microsoft Word). It is free of charge to access information on our disclosure logs.

We do not remove documents from the disclosure logs, unless there are special circumstances. If you would like, you may request we consider removing a published document. Please contact us at

The NIAA was established on 1 July 2019. Before this date, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) led government policy and programs for First Nations peoples. To access FOI requests made prior to 1 July 2019, please see the PM&C Disclosure Logs.

Return to information about making an FOI request.

FOI reference number FOI request Date of access Documents released Decision

A full copy of the Research Wiradjuri Wars of Resistance Grant (GA358416) application by Bathurst Regional Council.

FOI-2324-054 (4.22 MB)
Released in part

"I request a copy of the Outback Power RFQ PRC0024187 invitation, RFQ documents (request for quotation and any attachments and schedules issued as part of the RFQ) and any addendums issued as part of the NIAA’s approach to market in 2022 excluding third party information."

FOI/2324/057 (11.33 MB)
Released in part

“Part 3, Item 7 of the Project Schedule signed 15/06/2022 and varied 07/06/2023 details reports required of NATSIHA. I would like copies of:

  • Performance Report covering the period 1 March 2022 to 30 June 2022
  • Performance Report covering the period 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022
  • Performance Report covering the period 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023
  • Performance Report covering the period 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023

A document which outlines the dates and amounts of funding paid to date.

I would like to see any briefs not yet provided which relates to NATSIHA’s underspend / carry forward in all of the completed and projected financial years covering the funding period.

Since my initial request two more variations to the funding agreement have been approved – GA258700 V2 and V3. I would like any briefs which outline the rationale for these requests and approvals and any updated Project Schedule/s that may have been signed as a result.

I would like to see any performance report assessments which relate to the NIAA’s assessment of NATSIHA’s performance of the Project.”

Released in part

"1. Work that has been commenced by the NIAA as of January 1 2024 o 27 May 2024 to commence work on establishing an independent Makarrata Commission to oversee processes for agreement-making and truth-telling

2. How much of the $5.8 million allocated in the 2022 federal budget to establish an independent Makarrata Commission that has been spent by the NIAA since January 1 2024 until 27 May 2024"

FOI/2324/056 (660.9 KB)
Released in full

“I am making this application under the FOI Act. It concerns administration of the NIAA's Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme. The information I request is the following aggregate data:

1.    How many applications under the Scheme have been received since it commenced operation in 2022?
2.    2. How many such applications have been approved for payment?
3.    3. What is the total value of such approvals?
4.    4. How many applications have been declined?
5.    5. Of those declined, how many were declined for reasons other than being from an ineligible jurisdiction or time period?

I am not seeking any information that would identify any individual claimant or case or any third party.”

FOI/2324/058 (677.13 KB)
Released in full

“I’m specifically seeking copies of reports, executive briefing notes and attachments, correspondence including emails, audits, investigations relating to one or more of the following: 1. Aboriginal children; and 2. Sexual assault.

Please exclude:

  • Duplicates;
  • Drafts;
  • Documents that have already been publicly released;
  • Media releases/reports/articles and correspondence with media.

Please limit:

  • Emails to the final thread of the conversation;
  • Searches to the Chief Executive.

Timeframe: From 1 July, 2022 to the date this application is validated.

[7 November 2023 clarification]

Please apply the following key word searches using both words:

1.            child, sexual assault

2.            minor, sexual assault

3.            children, sexual assault”

[22 November 2023 clarification]

Please include the following types of documents:

•             historic child sexual abuse matters; 

•             Ministerial correspondence copied to the NIAA CEO for awareness;

If there are several documents on the same matters, please limit to the most recent. Please exclude drafts.”

FOI/2324/035 (2.81 MB)
Released in part

“1) An update on the amount spent on the Makarrata Commission to date (essentially if the $466,652.82 figure has increased and if so, on what)

2) Any communication between the NIAA and Linda Burney/Linda Burney's office on the amount so far spent, and on the intention for the future of Makarrata and the rest of the funds (more than $5m over the forwards)

3) Any communication between the NIAA and Jim Chalmers/his office on the amount so far spent, and on the intention for the future of Makarrata / the rest of the funds

4) Any communication between the NIAA and Jim Chalmers/his office on the amount so far spent, and on the intention for the future of Makarrata / the rest of the funds

5) Any communication between the NIAA and the prime minister / his office on the amount so far spent, and on the intention for the future of Makarrata / the rest of the funds

6) Any communication between the NIAA and the department of prime minister and cabinet on the amount so far spent, and on the intention for the future of Makarrata / the rest of the funds”

FOI/2324/045 (2.08 MB)
Released in part

“I am writing to you under the provision of the Freedom of Information Act for the contractor’s compliance rating for each completed contract for the below companies retained on the central database the Indigenous Procurement Policy Reporting Solution.  Additionally the number of times if any, that the below companies failed to meet their MMR targets at the end of any contract.

  • 52605472580     EVOLVE FM PTY LTD
  • 32164014368     INTRACT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
  • 59603714085     RUBIK3 PTY LTD
  • 35607821072     First People Recruitment Solutions
  • 80150022110     Pacific Services Group Holdings Pty Ltd
  • 82496197839     TIWI PARTNERS PTY LTD
  • 68634146268     TIWI PARTNERS (AUST) PTY LTD"
Released in full

‘I wish to formally request information in relation to the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) funding of the Djigardaba Enterprise Aboriginal Corporation (DEAC) in 2022 to purchase ‘’shares of accommodation and tourism business’’ known as the Cooinda Lodge from the Aboriginal Benefit Account for $1.2M. Documentation requested includes but is not limited to the following:

  • The funding application 
  • Funding Contract 
  • Email correspondence 
  • File notes’ 
24/05/2024 Released in part

“Further to the information provided in FOI request FOI/2324/037, please provide the number of contracts awarded to the top 100 recipients under the IPP. Please also provide the same data for the current financial year (1 July 2023 to 31 January 2024). 

Exclude: Entities that have not had their contracts previously published on AusTender due to an exemption under the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs)."

FOI/2324/048 (679.26 KB)
FOI/2324/048 (685.66 KB)
Released in full

'On 01/03/2022 the NIAA approved a $5.5 M grant to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Authority - NATSIHA, Grant ID GA258700. I am requesting the funding contract relating to that grant including the key performance indicators that are required to be met and their timelines. Associated with that grant was an approval for a variation on 21/06/2023 which extended the period by one year and increased the value of the grant. I would like to see all the documentation relating to that variation including the initiation and rationale and any adjustments to KPI’s and the original contract. A copy of the FOI request is attached for your information.'

Released in part

"Internal NIAA emails to NIAA SES relating to the ‘Strengthening Organisational Governance (SOG) Final Report and excluding emails relating to:

  • IPS/234/001
  • Internal routine weekly reports
  • procurement

for the period 1 November 2021 to 6 November 2023”

FOI/2324/039 (5.35 MB)
Released in part

“1. [withdrawn]; 
2. The number of NIAA staff based in the NIAA Batemans Bay Office, their position APS levels and position numbers; 
3. The amounts of all funding allocated for departmental projects, such as property and IT, relating to the NIAA Batemans Bay Office since 1 July 2019; 
4. [transferred under s 16(1)(b) of the FOI Act];
5. What role does the NIAA Batemans Bay have with regard to any complaints, non-compliances, regulatory action, auditing of funded organisations financial statements each year for recurrent and one-off funding? What processes are in-place to address these issues?”

Released in full

“Documents, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, correspondence including emails, relating to feedback about The Voice Referendum result.

Please limit searches to just the NIAA CEO.

Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media.

Please note I confirm I am happy to accept edited copies of documents with exempt material redacted/blurred. However, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation."


Released in part

“I am seeking the following information either under FOI or administrative release. The time period of the request is 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023:

  • Any emails or other communications (eg. meeting invitations/speeches/ videos/transcripts/memorandums/revised chief executive instructions or equivalent) directed at all staff about either the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme (‘the Royal Commission’), or the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any emails or other communications (eg. meeting invitations/speeches/ videos/transcripts/memorandums/revised chief executive instructions or equivalent) directed at all SES (or equivalent) staff about the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme, or the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any brief prepared for Senate estimates in October 2023 relating to how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any brief, agenda paper, submission (or similar) to the agency’s executive leadership group/senior leadership group (or however named in your agency) about how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or implementing the government response to the Royal Commission
  • Any document relating to changing training modules/induction (or similar) (whether internally or externally delivered), to incorporate information about the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission.

The following are excluded from the request:

Any document that solely deals with adverse findings relating to individual members of staff of that agency."

Released in part


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